Theological German: A Reading Course
Is written for students preparing to pass a German Language Reading Examination in theology and religion. The text presupposes no previous acquaintance with German, and concentrates on essentials for reading comprehension and translation.
An online German-English Dictionary of Theological and Philosophical German (, designed as an open access comprehensive reference tool, accompanies the textbook.
Included in the dictionary are the most important areas of Theology and Religion or Religionswissenschaften, such as Archeology, Religious Art and Architecture, Church History, Comparative Religion, Ethics, Judaic Studies, Language, Linguistics, and Literature, Missions, Mythology and Folklore, Pastoral Counseling, Sacred Music, and Philosophy.
Also included are significant abbreviations, Latin phrases and German, Latin and Greek root words, used as technical terms with specific meanings.
The online dictionary continues to improve, growing as new words are entered, and corrections are made. Since this is work-in-progress and all entries are set up around a specific use of vocabulary, there is no guarantee of completeness. Over 50,000 entries are already in our database, with a vocabulary corpus of more than 75,800 words and phrases.
The Theological German: A Reading Course is now available in PDF format as a free download. The same free version in PDF format can also be downloaded from the online dictionary site. German-English Dictionary of Theological and Philosophical German. Click on TEXTBOOK: READING THEOL GERMAN: Theological German: A Reading Course (Full Textbook)
By Section:
Front Page
Permission and Acknowledgments
Pronunciation Guide Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Reading Passages:
- Althaus, Paul. Die Trinitätslehre.
- Barth, Karl. Die Taufe.
- Bockmühl, Klaus. Die Begründung der Mission.
- Bultmann, Rudolf. Die Auferstehung Christi.
- Fuchs, Ernst. Hermeneutik.
- Gunneweg, A. H. J. Das Inspirationsdogma und die Vorherrschaft der Dogmatik.
- Harnack, Adolf von. Das Wesen des Christentums.
- Iserloh, Erwin. Die Ursache des Christentums.
- Jeremias, J. Ostern.
- Kaesemann, Ernst. Das Problem des historischen Jesus.
- Kittel, Gerhard. Der persönliche Gott des NT.
- Kreck, Walter. Das Verhältnis Altes und Neues Testament.
- Kümmel, W. G. Die neue religionsgeschichtliche Fragestellung.
- Künneth, Walter. Die Auferstehung als historisches Ereignis.
- Lapide, Pinchas. Eine jüdische Theologie des Christentums.
- Lohfink, Norbert. Zukunft.
- Luther, Martin. Euangelium Sanct Johannis (Johannes 1, 1-14), Hebräer 11, 1-3
- Nestle, Eberhard. Pergament und Papierhandschriften im NT.
- Pannenberg, Wolfhard. Reden von Gott angesichts atheistischer Kretik.
- Pesch, Otto H. Das Konzil von Trient und die nachtridentinische Theologie.
- Peters, Albrecht. Gesetz im Neuen Testament.
- Rad, Gerhard von. Die Bedeutung der Gebote.
- Rahner, Karl. Die “neuen” Mariendogmen.
- Ratzinger, Joseph. Die heilige, katholische Kirche.
- Reicke, Bo. Das Gemeinschaftsleben der Essener.
- Schillebeeckx, Edward. Die Evangelien als allgemeine Auslegung des auferstandenen Jesus.
- Schweitzer, Eduard. Jesus – Heil der “Kleinen.”
- Thurneysen, Eduard. Der Seelsorger.
- Trillhaas, Wolfgang. Der Konturverlust des Christentums in der Gegenwart.
- Troeltsch, Ernst. Die Absolutheit des Christentums.
- Würthwein, Ernst. Der Masoretische Konsonantentext.
- Zimmerli, Walter. Das Gesetz im Alten Testament.
The vocabulary is also in the online dictionary: German English Dictionary of Theological & Philosophical German